Artists (works)
Here are some of Sophora's regular artists. Click on the photo to see each artist's work.
品番・名称を添えて Contact フォームよりお問合せ下さい。
Please check the details of the listed works, and contact us via the contact form with the item number and title included.
We offer gift wrapping options.
For customers who are unable to visit our store due to distance or other reasons, we offer individual support through services such as mail order.
We offer gift wrapping options.
※ 通常、数日内にお返事をしておりますが、展覧会の入れ替えに伴い少々お時間を頂くこともございます。ご了承下さい。
We usually reply within 2-3 days, but may take longer due to changes in exhibitions.
※ 尚、1週間経っても返信がない場合は、当方へメールが届いていない場合がございますので、お手数ですが、再度お問い合わせ下さい。
※ We typically respond within a few days. If you do not receive a reply within a week, please contact us again as the email may not have reached us.