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※ 個別のお問合せにはお答えいたしかねますことを、ご了承くださいませ。

【三人展(西山雪作品)】についてのご案内 1.本展はひとりでも多くの方に作品をお愉しみいただく為に、即売ではなく抽選販売というかたちで、展示期間を設けさせていただいております。 2.販売は、先着順ではありません。 3.展覧会初日の開店前の行列等はご遠慮ください。

4.ご購入の為の抽選方法は、来店抽選応募とWeb抽選応募があります。(片方のみ応募可。両方に応募された方は、白紙となりますのでご注意ください。) 5.原則、ご購入当選された作品の発送は、8月25日以降に順次いたします。 6.コロナ感染者拡大中ですので、無理なご来店はお控えください。(西山・飯野在廊中止です)




【ご来店の皆様へのお願いとご案内】 ◆常設作品には、触れると危険な作品もございます。手荷物やお子様の状態によっては、ご入店を制限させていただきます。ご了承くださいませ。 ◆抽選応募の際は、身分証明のご提示をお願いいたします。 ◆正しくマスクを着用の方のみご入店をご案内いたします。 ◆入店時には、必ず両手のアルコール消毒をお願いいたします。 ◆混雑時は、店内の人数制限を行うことをご了承ください。 ◆ギャラリー内での飲食は禁止いたします。








※8月5日(金)10:00~8月14日(日)18:30 来店応募

※8月12日(金)10:00~8月14日(日)23:59 Web応募































【 Web Lottery application form for Yuki NISHIYAMA’s works 】

About The Lottery Sales of Yuki NISHIYAMA’s works

1.We kindly ask for your understanding that we put a period of lottery sales so as all of you as many as possible to have chance to enjoy Yuki NISHIYAMA works in this exhibition. 2.In this lottery sales application period, it’s not on a first-come-first-served basis. 3.Please not be in a rush on the first day of the exhibition. 4. There are two types of lottery methods for purchase: store visit lottery application and online lottery application. (Only one can apply. Please note that those who apply for both will be no longer in effect.) 5. In principle, the winning works will be shipped after August 25th. 6. As the number of people infected with corona is increasing, please refrain from visiting the store unreasonably. Unfortunately, the day Iino & Nishiyama will visit the gallery has been cancelled. 7. Please note that we will limit the number of people entering the gallery and the staying time as a preventive measure against corona infection. 8. All exhibited works will be posted on the Web exhibition and able to apply for. 9. After the lottery sales period is over, we’ll have a sale starts from August 22 Monday at the gallery only if some works left in stock. And the works could be taken to home then.

[Requests and guidance for visitors] ◆Some works exhibited in the gallery are dangerous to touch. Please note that entry may be restricted depending on your baggage and your children’s behaviors. ◆Please show your ID when applying for the store visit lottery. ◆Only those who wear the mask correctly will be guided approved to enter the store. ◆When entering the store, please be sure to disinfect both hands with alcohol. ◆Eating and drinking are prohibited in the gallery. ◆Sit-in around the gallery is prohibited. ◆If we notice any annoying acts in the galleries neighborhood we will deprive the rights to purchase and to apply for lottery in future.

■Exhibition Period August 5 Friday ~August 23 Tuesday

■Lottery Sales Application Period August 5 Friday ~ August 14 Sunday Only the customers come and visit to our gallery in that limited period can get the application form.

■Online Lottery Sales Application Period August 12 Friday ~ August 14 Sunday Please visit our website for details. You are able to choose either Lottery Sales Application.

Please fill out the form and apply to the lottery at the time. That application form could be writ in JAPANESE or ENGLISH.

◆What to Fill out◆ □ Fill out the application form □ Photo ID(to verify your identity) □You can apply from the 1st choice to the 3rd choice. You are able to apply only once per person for once item. You can choose either Store Lottery Sales Application or Online Lottery Sales Application. Please note that only one of them will be won or lost.

◆Announcement of the Lottery Results◆ The winning announcement dates are 2022 August 19 Friday or August 20 Saturday. An invoice e-mail will be sent only to a winner on the lottery. Please set your mailing system so that you can receive an e-mail from When you don’t receive that invoice e-mail within August 21 Sunday at 0:00, it means you sadly lost on the lottery.

Please be careful not to make a mistake in the e-mail address, as the winning will be invalid if we cannot contact you due to an error in the e-mail address. We are not be able to answer any inquiries regarding the application status or winning results.

◆How to Pay◆ Please follow the invoice e-mail you will receive when you win the lottery. Payment is accepted only by a credit card basically. The payment by credit card is due at 23:59 on the day of August 21 Sunday. After the above payment period by credit card expired, you can’t make that payment anymore, then your winning on the lottery will be cancelled automatically. Also, in the case that a credit card account holder and an applicant are different person, its winning on the lottery and payment made by that credit card will be cancelled. The works cancelled payments for them will be on a sale which starts from August 22 Monday at our gallery after the lottery sales period is over.

◆Delivery◆ The delivery to winners will be started from August 25 Thursday.

If we determine the purchase is for resale, we will refuse to sale. Those who have been determined to be reseller will be strictly prohibited from participating in all lottery sales in future.

■ About the works list Please see [Web three artists Exhibition(only Yuki Nishiyama's works)]. ※Web lottery application period for Nishiyama Yuki works: August 12 (Fri)-14 (Sun)

※The application form page will be released just before the lottery application period.




【 飯野夏実×西山雪×小倉智恵美 展 】


2022.8.5 (Fri)~8.23 (Tue)





This is the third joint exhibition of the three artists. Their works materials are different as ceramic, glass, bamboo, and the creation bases are also different as Tokyo, Hokkaido, and Kyoto. The fascinating exhibition with full of sensitivity and skill will begin this summer as well. We hope you will enjoy it.



飯野:5(金)・7(日) ※在廊中止

西山:5(金)・6(土) ※在廊中止








※8/3・4 は展示替えの為、臨時休業いたします



Sophia gallery ソフォラ ギャラリー 京都 glass ceramic art craft 石文鎮 久保裕子 工芸 ガラス 陶器 アート クラフト


京都市中京区二条通寺町東入ル榎木町77-1 延寿堂ビル1F


OPEN   10:00-18:30(展覧会最終日17:30迄)

OPEN   10:00-18:30(Last day of exhibition -17:30)

CLOSED   木曜定休・水曜不定休

CLOSED   Thursday +Wednesday, irregularly

※ 駐車場はございません。近隣のコインパーキングをご利用下さい

※ HP内の全ての写真の無断転用・無断転載は、禁止いたします

© 2017 Sophora Enjudo Co.Ltd.  All rights reserved.

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